Sweet & Simple: Rosy Red DIY!

This week's DIY is super sweet and adorable, and so easy to do! We used one of our bag organizers (the ORGANIZE JACQ, in Rose Pink) and some cute rosettes we got at our local fabric and art supply store. The big red rosettes cost us around RM5 - 4, and the small white ones were even cheaper! Keep reading for our step-by-step explanation.
Here's what you'll need for this DIY:
1. A bag or bag organizer of your choice
2. Hot glue gun
3. Rosettes (or any small embellishments)
We wanted to cover one of the bag organizers pockets entirely with roses! Before gluing it down, play around with the arrangement of your embellishments. This will make it easier to glue down later on, and we also wanted to make sure we had enough little rosettes to cover the entire surface area.
Now that you have a plan or rough design in mind, glue your embellishments onto the bag with your hot glue gun. (Note: always be careful when handling a hot glue gun, slowly and surely is always the best method).
After we covered the entire pocket, we glued down any awkward-looking pieces.
We had a couple of rosettes left over, so we decided to decorate the back pocket of our bag organizer as well! We measured the centre point of the pocket so that we knew where to place the rosette. Here's a tip: If you want to mark a certain point on your bag or fabric, but don't want to stain it, use cellophane or washi tape! After we marked the centre point, we glued down three rosettes.
And there you have it! So easy, yet the end result is so pretty! Here's what our ORGANIZE JACQ looked like before its transformation:
And this is our finished product, the rosy red Organize Jacq:
What did you think of our DIY? Would you make something like this yourself? Let us know in the comments! Until the next time, happy crafting everybody!